We are pleased to announce that the 2016 American Solar Challenge is going to be an 8 day 1,975 mile road course traveling through 7 states from Brecksville, OH to Hot Springs, SD. We are partnering with the National Park Service for their 2016 Centennial. The ASC route will include stage/checkpoints at 9 national parks, historic sites, or partner properties throughout the Midwest. We are also excited that Formula Sun Grand Prix (FSGP 2016) will be held at the Pittsburgh International Race Complex (Pitt Race) in Wampum, PA! Whether you get involved in ASC/FSGP 2016 as a participant, volunteer, sponsor, or bystander, this event offers a great opportunity to learn about and enhance the world of solar car racing. We hope you’ll join us as the solar cars embark on this long journey.


Official Event Information

ASC 2016 Overall Winners & Results

  1. University of Michigan
  2. Dunwoody College of Technology
  3. University of Toronto
Rank Team # – Name Stage 1 Time Stage 2 Time Stage 3 Time Stage 4 Time Total Time Miles Credited
1 2 – Michigan 10:59:41 11:41:22 19:09:51 6:35:52 48:26:46 1976.2
2 51 – Dunwoody 13:05:48 15:18:45 23:44:43 7:21:06 59:30:22 1971.5
3 77 – Toronto 14:17:12 14:01:39 23:46:24 10:05:48 62:11:03 1914.6
4 42 – Missouri S&T 15:27:36 16:25:48 24:20:04 8:01:12 64:14:40 1955.8
5 32 – Principia 13:04:53 15:34:05 24:03:16 11:49:50 64:32:04 1886.3
6 828 – Appalachian State 13:29:06 16:52:56 40:37:06 5:28:42 76:27:50 1724.5
7 9 – Iowa State 17:12:22 18:06:48 35:23:00 9:05:06 79:47:16 1783.9
8 92 – ETS Quebec 15:32:58 18:28:48 39:06:48 11:44:00 84:52:34 1659.0
9 6 – Berkeley 14:25:07 30:53:24 32:21:12 12:06:18 89:46:01 1530.9
10* 35 – Minnesota 14:44:36 18:08:24 48:19:40 11:33:18 92:45:58 1796.5
10 55 – Poly Montreal 14:20:08 21:18:54 55:27:56 4:44:17 95:51:15 1370.4
11 17 – Illinois State 16:59:57 36:51:54 41:40:30 13:50:01 109:22:22 1193.3
12 3 – Kentucky 36:35:18 DNQ DNQ DNQ DNQ  135.5

*Cruiser type car ranked in parallel with other competitors

Last updated 8-06-16 – 7:00PM MST. Times given as hh:mm:ss.

ASC 2016 Inspector Awards Given

In addition to trophies for the top three positions, the following awards were given to ASC 2016 teams.

  • Fastest Egress: Appalachian State SVT
  • Spirit of the Event: Minnesota
  • Abraham Poot Teamwork: Appalachian State SVT
  • Safety: Poly Montreal
  • Overcoming Adversity: Iowa State
  • Array: Missouri S&T Solar Car
  • Mechanical: University of Michigan
  • Electrical: Missouri S&T Solar Car
  • Dynamics: Iowa State

ASC 2016 Stage 4 Winners & Results

  1. Polytechnique Montreal
  2. Appalachian State University
  3. University of Michigan
Team # – Name Gering Start 8/06 Hot Springs Finish 8/06 Stage 4 Penalty Time Stage 4 Elapsed Time Overall Elapsed Time
55 – Poly Montreal 09:11:00 13:55:17 4:44:17 95:51:15
828 – Appalachian State 09:08:00 14:36:42 5:28:42 76:27:50
2 – Michigan 09:00:00 15:29:52 0:06:00 6:35:52 48:26:46
51 – Dunwoody 09:01:00 Trailered 0:21:06 7:21:06 59:30:22
42 – Missouri S&T 09:04:00 Trailered 1:01:12 8:01:12 64:14:40
9 – Iowa State 09:06:00 Trailered 2:05:06 9:05:06 79:47:16
77 – Toronto 09:02:00 Trailered 3:05:48 10:05:48 62:11:03
35 – Minnesota 09:10:00 Trailered 4:33:18 11:33:18 92:45:58
92 – ETS Quebec 09:07:00 Trailered 4:44:00 11:44:00 84:52:34
32 – Principia 09:03:00 Trailered 4:49:50 11:49:50 64:32:04
6 – Berkeley 09:05:00 Trailered 5:06:18 12:06:18 89:46:01
17 – Illinois State 09:09:00 Trailered 6:50:01 13:50:01 109:22:22
3 – Kentucky DNQ

Last updated 8-06-16 – 6:30PM MST. Times given as hh:mm:ss.

ASC 2016 Stage 3 Winners & Results

  1. University of Michigan
  2. Dunwoody College of Technology
  3. University of Toronto
Team # – Name Republic
Start 8/03
Arrival 8/03
Arrival 8/04
Finish 8/05
Stage 3 Penalty Time Stage 3 Elapsed Time Overall Elapsed Time
2 – Michigan 9:00:00 14:30:31 09:15:27 11:21:51 0:18:00 19:09:51 41:50:54
51 – Dunwoody 9:02:00 15:25:54 10:37:52 16:12:43 0:04:00 23:44:43 52:09:16
77 – Toronto 9:01:00 15:20:26 10:29:03 16:06:08 0:11:16 23:46:24 52:05:15
32 – Principia 9:01:00 15:55:32 11:24:24 16:33:16 0:01:00 24:03:16 52:42:14
42 – Missouri S&T 9:02:00 15:41:25 10:56:10 16:48:20 0:03:44 24:20:04 56:13:28
6 – Berkeley 9:08:00 16:07:35 12:07:14 Trailered 4:21:12 32:21:12 77:39:43
9 – Iowa State 9:07:00 17:13:45 12:57:33 Trailered 7:23:00 35:23:00 70:42:10
92 – ETS Quebec 9:08:00 17:25:52 13:17:37 Trailered 11:06:48 39:06:48 73:08:34
828 – Appalachian State 9:05:00 16:00:51 11:35:11 Trailered 12:37:06 40:37:06 70:59:08
17 – Illinois State 9:07:00 16:46:45 13:08:50 Trailered 13:40:30 41:40:30 95:32:21
35 – Minnesota 9:03:00 17:00:42 13:09:35 Trailered 20:19:40 48:19:40 81:12:40
55 – Poly Montreal 9:09:00 17:22:51 Trailered Trailered 27:27:56 55:27:56 91:06:58
3 – Kentucky DNQ

Last updated 8-06-16 – 11:00AM MST. Times given as hh:mm:ss.

ASC 2016 Stage 2 Winners & Results

  1. University of Michigan
  2. University of Toronto
  3. Dunwoody College of Technology
Team # – Name Vincennes Start 8/01 St. Louis Arrival 8/01 Republic Finish 8/02 Stage 2 Penalty Time Stage 2 Elapsed Time Overall Elapsed Time
2 – Michigan 9:00:00 13:21:21 12:14:22 0:12:00 11:41:22 22:41:03
77 – Toronto 9:04:00 14:34:36 14:48:39 0:02:00 14:01:39 28:18:51
51 – Dunwoody 9:02:00 14:33:09 16:05:45 15:18:45 28:24:33
32 – Principia 9:01:00 14:45:50 16:15:05 0:05:00 15:34:05 28:38:58
42 – Missouri S&T 9:08:00 15:28:16 17:16:48 0:02:00 16:25:48 31:53:24
828 – Appalachian State 9:03:00 16:53:56 0:02:00 16:52:56 30:22:02
35 – Minnesota 9:05:00 Trailered 0:08:24 18:08:24 32:53:00
9 – Iowa State 9:08:00 Trailered 0:06:48 18:06:48 35:19:10
92 – ETS Quebec 9:06:00 Trailered 0:28:48 18:28:48 34:01:46
55 – Poly Montreal 9:05:00 Trailered 3:18:54 21:18:54 35:39:02
6 – Berkeley 9:04:00 Trailered 12:53:24 30:53:24 45:18:31
17 – Illinois State 9:10:00 Trailered 18:51:54 36:51:54 53:51:51
3 – Kentucky DNQ

Last updated 8-06-16 – 7:30PM EST. Times given as hh:mm:ss.

ASC 2016 Stage 1 Winners & Results

  1. University of Michigan
  2. Principia College
  3. Dunwoody College of Technology
Team # – Name Brecksville Start 7/30 Dayton Arrival 7/30 Vincennes Finish 7/31 Stage 1 Penalty Time Stage 1 Elapsed Time Overall Elapsed Time
2 – Michigan 8:30:00 13:50:10 11:02:41 0:12:00 10:59:41 10:59:41
32 – Principia 8:31:00 15:06:02 13:20:53 13:04:53 13:04:53
51 – Dunwoody ** 8:39:00 14:33:50 12:41:48 0:48:00 13:05:48 13:05:48
828 – Appalachian State 8:32:00 15:11:05 13:45:06 0:01:00 13:29:06 13:29:06
77 – Toronto 8:37:00 16:34:24 14:35:12 0:04:00 14:17:12 14:17:12
55 – Poly Montreal 8:35:00 15:43:48 14:40:08 14:20:08 14:20:08
6 – Berkeley 8:39:00 15:53:53 14:49:07 14:25:07 14:25:07
35 – Minnesota 8:33:00 15:52:18 14:51:36 0:11:00 14:44:36 14:44:36
42 – Missouri S&T 8:38:00 15:10:48 14:46:36 1:04:00 15:27:36 15:27:36
92 – ETS Quebec 8:36:00 16:30:40 15:42:58 0:11:00 15:32:58 15:32:58
17 – Illinois State 8:34:00 16:16:51 17:12:57 0:06:00 16:59:57 16:59:57
9 – Iowa State 8:37:00 15:53:08 16:54:22 0:40:00 17:12:22 17:12:22
3 – Kentucky ** 8:40:00 DNF 18:05:18 36:35:18 36:35:18

** Team has obtained provisional qualification for the American Solar Challenge

Last updated 8-01-16 – 11:30AM EST. Times given as hh:mm:ss.

FSGP 2016 Overall Winners & Results

  1. University of Michigan – 518 laps (829 mi)
  2. Principia College – 454 laps (726 mi)
  3. Appalachian State University – 414 laps (662 mi)

Fastest Lap: Michigan (1 min 41 sec – 57.03 mph avg)

Team # – Name Total Laps Day 1 Laps Day 2 Laps Day 3 Laps Penalty Laps Fast Lap
2 – Michigan 518 201 194 126 3 1:41
32 – Principia 454 170 172 112 2:04
828 – Appalachian State 414 153 130 131 2:19
35 – Minnesota 386 140 154 94 2 2:03
17 – Illinois State 327 120 117 90 1:54
55 – Poly Montreal 321 107 118 96 1:59
92 – ETS Quebec 308 141 65 104 2 2:04
77 – Toronto 304 83 165 61 5 2:07
9 – Iowa State 241 35 137 72 3 2:01
6 – Berkeley 203 0 117 88 2 1:57
42 – Missouri S&T 195 0 91 114 10 2:11
116 – McMaster 177 69 72 42 6 2:29
51 – Dunwoody ** 108 0 63 109 64 2:16
3 – Kentucky ** 40 53 0 44 57 2:46
15 – ZHAW 22 0 33 24 35 2:14
11 – Northwestern 21 0 6 24 9 2:33
49 – Georgia Tech 0 0 0 0
24 – Waterloo *
57 – SIUE *
786 – Western Michigan *

* Team has not passed Scrutineering – see the team status page for more info

** Team has obtained provisional qualification for the American Solar Challenge

Qualified for ASC Forfeited Laps

Last update: 7-28-2016 at 8:00PM EST

American Solar Challenge Qualification Requirements

  • 1 Day Qualification: 128 laps
  • 2 Consecutive Day Qualification: 192 laps
  • Each driver must also complete a minimum of 33 laps to be allowed to drive on the road

ASC Route & Schedule Overview

The checkpoint and stage stop locations are specified below. The public is invited to attend. Team arrival time at these pre-defined stops is spread out over hours between the faster and slower teams. In general teams begin arriving at checkpoints in the early afternoon and these stops close in late afternoon or early evening. Each team is only present at a checkpoint for approximately 45 minutes before continuing along the race route. Stage stops usually open in the afternoon for faster teams to start arriving but all teams are present from 6:00-8:00PM for the evening solar charging session. Teams are also present the morning after each stage stop for the 7:00-9:00AM solar charging session before they head back out for another day of driving. The finish line stop will open around mid-day and teams will continue to arrive throughout the afternoon before the start of the awards ceremony in the evening. Stay tuned to our social media feeds for up to the minute information about stage stop and checkpoint timing as well as team arrivals.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

The awards dinner and ceremony is planned for the evening of Saturday, August 6.

A Message from the National Park Service

The goal of the National Park Service Centennial is to connect with and create the next generation of park visitors, supporters, and advocates. We hope that this rally encourages you to explore the nation’s rich cultural and natural heritage. Share your excitement about the national park-themed American Solar Challenge on


All vehicles must be designed and built to comply with the published event regulations. As always, please submit forms, fees, and reports by the deadlines specified. We will once again be giving scrutineering inspection preference to those teams that complete their paperwork first, so earlier is better.

FSGP 2016 Qualifying Track Race

Scrutineering inspections and the FSGP 2016 qualifier are to be held at the Pittsburgh International Race Complex. 128 laps must be completed to qualify in a single day or 192 laps can be completed over 2 consecutive days. Each lap is 1.6 miles. This 3-day qualifier event is open to public spectators (free entry).

FSGP 2016 Schedule

  • Fri, July 22-Mon, Jul 25: Registration & Scrutineering at Pitt Race
  • Tue, July 26-Thu, Jul 28: Formula Sun Grand Prix on the North Track at Pitt Race
  • FSGP 2016 Detailed Schedule

Rest Day (Public Viewing)

For those not familiar with our format, the Rest Day on Friday, July 29th serves as a day to get ready for the start of ASC following the wrap up of FSGP. There is no admission fee and parking is free. Activities usually include moving to the ASC start line area, recharging batteries, prepping support vehicles, and assigning team observers. This is also a day for the public to come out and see all the teams and cars up close before they embark on the cross country American Solar Challenge.

The ASC 2016 Rest Day is going to be from 3-7PM at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC), which is a few miles from the ASC start line location.

Address: 8001 Brecksville Rd, Brecksville, OH 44141