2022 American Solar Challenge Regulations


Official Interpretations

Please submit all questions regarding the regulations to ascregs@americansolarchallenge.org. Official interpretation of the race regulations will be posted here.

ASC 2022 Official Interpretation 1: The change from 2023/2024 to F.3.3 shall be applicable to 2022. For finite-element analysis of the roll cage, 3D elements shall be used. Shell or beam elements are not acceptable for detailed analysis of the roll cage. Shell or beam elements are acceptable for analysis of the remainder of the occupant cell. Additionally, shell elements shall be acceptable for finite-element analysis of the roll cage if the factor of safety is 1.4 or greater. Additional data to validate the finite element model shall still be required if the reported factor of safety is less than 1.1.

ASC 2022 Regulation Supplement

In an effort to maintain the spirit of the event given an unforseen situation we are issuing a modification to regulation ASC 2022 Regulation 12.11.C to the following:

“Any team leaving the tour route must rejoin the route at the same intersection where they left the route or they will be considered to have trailered from their last completed route step before going off route. Their Load On Trailer Time will be the time that they went off route.”

This update is intended to more adequately align older regulations with newer ones while maintaining the integrity of the event and shall be applied retroactively to the start of the event. It will also be incorporated into ASC 2024 regulations and beyond.

Reference Material

Approved Solar Cells

Please submit the solar cell approval form found in the event regulations to request approval of a solar cell that is not listed below. The list below contains all solar cells approved as of February 13, 2021.

  • Advent Solar Ventura
  • Azur Space 3T34C (GAs)
  • China Sunergy CSUN-HP-S125-Dia165-BB2
  • China Sunergy TBDSE125
  • Evergreen Solar Micro Wire Cells
  • ML Solar LLC – MLS-P3x6180
  • Motech XS156-200R
  • SCHOTT Solar Main ISO PSG 15632 Bin 32
  • SolarWorld A-262
  • SolarWorld B-431
  • SolarWorld B-434
  • Suniva, Inc. ARTisun Select, 156-18.8
  • SunPower A300, All Bins
  • SunPower C50, All Bins
  • SunPower C60, All Bins
  • SunPower E60, Bins Je1, Ke1, Le1, and Me1 (Old bins I and J)
  • SunPower Maxeon Gen III (E66) bin Le3, Me3 and Ne3