Electrek American Solar Challenge 2024 Regulations


Official Interpretations

Please submit all questions regarding the regulations to ascregs@americansolarchallenge.org. Official interpretation of the race regulations will be posted here.

8.2.C.3 (Supplemental Batteries):

Clarified the requirement that the solar car is not allowed to operate without a functional supplemental battery. The updated wording for this regulation is posted below and this will be reflected in any future regulation revisions.

During a battery fault in which the BPS has automatically opened the Main Power Switch, the supplemental battery must be used to power the BPS, BPS Strobe, and BPS Fault Driver Indication. While in such a fault state, the supplemental battery may be used to power any other systems (signal lights, rear view camera, telemetry, etc) that do not provide motive power to the vehicle. In the event that there is a loss of supplemental battery power, the car must be parked and put into a Safe State (8.3.A.9 Safe State). The supplemental should be operational prior to returning to normal operation. At no time should a solar vehicle be allowed to operate without a working supplemental battery.

8.6.A.4 Main Power Switch:

Clarified the required positions for the high voltage battery pack isolation relays in the circuit and removed redundant wording regarding the Safe State definition since the safe state definition is covered in 8.3.A.9. The main fuse on the positive side of the battery pack is the only component that is allowed to be electrically connected before the isolation relays. The updated wording for this regulation is posted below and this will be reflected in any future regulation revisions.

In the off position, the main power switch must isolate the high voltage battery, motor, and array from each other and put the solar car in the ‘Safe State’. The high voltage battery pack isolation relays must be electrically located first in series after the battery negative terminal and second in series after the battery positive terminal with only the main fuse connected before it.

8.3.A.9 Safe State:

Clarified the definition of Safe State to isolate all external loads on the high voltage battery pack, not just current paths exiting the battery pack. It is not acceptable to power anything off the main high voltage battery pack while in safe state. The updated wording for this regulation is posted below and this will be reflected in any future regulation revisions.

A stable electric shut down condition where the high voltage battery pack is completely isolated from external current loads and all high voltage conductors exiting the battery enclosure are electrically disconnected.

12.12.B Teams Not Ready:

Introduced the Start Release Time term, which refers to when teams are released by Start Line Officials (may be different than their Assigned Start Time)

If a team’s solar car, lead, and chase vehicles, with drivers in each vehicle, are not in their assigned starting positions at 8:45 a.m., the Start Line Officials may, at their discretion, move the Start Release Time of all of the following cars up one slot, and the tardy team must move to the end of the starting queue.

12.12.C Official Stage Start Time:

Provided additional clarity regarding how Official Stage Start Times will be determined and confirmed early start penalties for teams that start before they are released by Start Line Officials.

Assigned Start Times will be distributed during that morning’s charging session. If the team departs at or after the time they are released by Start Line Officials, then their Official Stage Start Time is the earlier of their Assigned Start Time or Start Release Time. If the team leaves before their Start Release Time, then the team’s Official Stage Start Time is their Actual Start Time and an early start penalty is applied per Reg 15.4.I

12.14.A Open Checkpoints:

Provided additional details about how Official Checkpoint Departure Times will be determined (properly covering more edge cases).

If a team finishes serving mandatory Hold Time at or after the Checkpoint Close Time, their Official Checkpoint Departure time will be their Checkpoint Release Time. Otherwise, if a team doesn’t have Hold Time after the Checkpoint closes but departs to proceed along the next Base Leg after the Checkpoint Close Time, then their Official Checkpoint Departure Time is the Checkpoint Close Time. In all other cases, their Official Checkpoint Departure Time is their Actual Departure Time.

12.27.A Checkpoints / Stage Points:

Removed the stipulation that a team has to be serving a hold period or finished running loops in order to push their solar car within a Checkpoint or Stage Point location.

Solar cars may be pushed within the confined area of the Checkpoint or Stage Point.

12.28.C Trailering to Checkpoints or Stage:

Specified that the Failure to Impound penalty will apply for teams trailering to a Stage Finish that don’t arrive before battery impound time and clarified that trailering teams are responsible for notifying Timing Officials when their solar car arrives at a Checkpoint or Stage Point.

If a Trailering team fails to reach the next Checkpoint along the Tour before it closes, they must continue Trailering to the next open Checkpoint or the Stage finish. If any team fails to arrive at the Stage finish by battery impound time on the final day of the Stage, they will be assessed failure to impound penalties according to Reg 15.4.M. It is on the onus of the team to notify Checkpoint/Stage Timing Officials of their solar car’s arrival by Trailer.

15.1.A Penalty Distance:

Clarified that distance calculations for each penalty infraction on the cross country Tour will be rounded up to the next mile. This eliminates the possibility of a penalty infraction resulting in a 0 mile penalty.

All penalty distances listed are suggested minimums. For each Tour infraction, Penalty Distance calculations will be rounded up to the next mile. Driving conduct penalties may double with each subsequent infraction. Scrutineering and other technical penalties will normally be the same for each infraction. If the Inspectors believe the teams are deliberately violating traffic or driving regulations for strategic advantage, they may impose more severe penalties up to and including potential disqualification.

15.1.B Penalty Laps (Track Event):

Clarified that distance calculations for each penalty infraction on the Track will be rounded up to the next lap. This eliminates the possibility of a penalty infraction resulting in a 0 lap penalty.

For each Track Event infraction, Penalty Distance will be converted to Penalty Laps based upon the length of the track (rounded up to the next lap). Penalty Laps are subtracted from the Official FSGP Lap Count.

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