Official Electrek ASC Results

The Electrek American Solar Challenge 2024 is an 8 day 1550+ mile competition split into 4 stages. Teams will take the road following 7 National Historic Trails as they See America By National Historic Trail!


The 2024 Event is once again a distance-based competition. The primary goal is to complete the 1560 mile base route; however, teams will have numerous opportuntities to complete additional optional loop segments to gain addition miles (or person miles for Multi-Occupant Vehicles) which will help increase their ranking. See our vehicle classes page for more info on the classes.

Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) Class

The Single Occupant class is scored solely on miles driven. The team that completes the most miles, while completing the base route, will win the event. Stage winners are also determined by miles driven on that stage. Teams who do not finish the base route will be ranked below all teams who do. In the event of a tie, elapsed time is the tie-breaker.

Multi-Occupant Vehicle (MOV) Class

Multi-Occupant vehicles are scored on a variety of factors including person-miles driven, their practicality score, amount of external energy used, and whether they maintain the 35mph target average speed. MOV teams must also complete the base route, any team that does not will be ranked below all teams who do. The scoring formula is as follows: $$ S = \frac{1}{E} \times D \times C \times T \times P$$

Variable Definitions:

  • S: MOV Score
  • D: Person-Mile Distance - the sum of miles travelled by each occupant.
  • E: External Energy Usage - the vehicles battery capacity (assumed to start FSGP full) plus any external charging during the event.
  • C: Completion Factor - the number of miles driven less penalty miles divided by the highest number of miles driven by any team.
  • P: Practicality Score - during display day a panel of judges will evalute the practical features of each vehicle and award a score from 0-100%.
  • T: Target Speed Derating - vehicles must average at least 35 mph for the event, in which case this factor will be 1.0. Otherwise they have their score derated based on the following formula: $$ T = (0.6)^{(35-[Average Speed])^{0.4}} $$

Note: For individual stage winners, the pracitcality and external energy factors are not considered, only the “D x C x T” factors


SOV Class Podium:

  • 1st: University of Michigan (2095.5 miles)
  • 2nd: École de technologie supérieure (2004.5 miles)
  • 3rd: Illinois State University (1504.3 miles)

MOV Class Podium:

  • 1st: Polytechnique Montréal (73.86 score)
  • 2nd: Appalachian State (25.21 score)
  • 3rd: Iowa State University (25.18 score)

Inspector Awards:

  • Safety: Polytechnique Montréal
  • Dick Roberto Mechanical Design: Polytechnique Montréal
  • Electrical Design: École de technologie supérieure
  • Aesthetics: University of Michigan
  • Hot Sauce Award: Stanford
  • Abe Poot Teamwork: École de technologie supérieure
  • Spirit of the Event: Appalachian State
  • July 20th-27th: Nashville, TN to Casper, WY

    • 1562.2 Total Base Route Miles
    • 7 Optional Loops
      • 213.4 unique loop miles (teams may complete loops multiple times)
  • July 20th & 21st: Nashville, TN to Edwardsville, IL via Paducah, KY

    • Route Segments:
      • Nashville to Paducah: 159.7 miles
      • Paducah to Edwardsville: 217.1 miles
    • Optional Loops:
      • Paducah Loop: 48.8 miles
      • Edwardsville Loop: 29.2 miles
  • July 22nd & 23rd: Edwardsville, IL to St. Joseph, MO via Jefferson City, MO and Independence, MO

    • Route Segments:s
      • Edwardsville to Jefferson City: 165.6 miles
      • Jefferson City to Independence: 156.6 miles
      • Independence to St. Joseph: 74.8 miles
    • Optional Loops:
      • Jefferson City Loop: 28.2 miles
      • St. Joseph Loop: 32.8 miles
      • There is no loop at the Indpendence Checkpoint
  • July 24th-26th: St. Joseph, MO to Gering, NE via Beatrice, NE and Kearney, NE

    • Route Segments:
      • St. Joseph to Beatrice: 138.2 miles
      • Beatrice to Kearney: 178.4 miles
      • Kearney to Gering: 273.6 miles
    • Optional Loops:
      • Beatrice Loop: 25.4 miles
      • Kearney Loop: 22.0 miles
      • Gering Loop: 26.0 miles
  • July 27th: Gering, NE to Casper, WY

    • Route Segments:
      • Gering to Casper: 198.3 miles

SOV Results

  • Single Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #2 159.7 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    165.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    28.2 mi. Jefferson City Loop
    28.2 miles (x1)
    156.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    138.2 mi. #2 - Michigan
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    178.4 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    273.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    194.3 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Gering to Casper
    194.3 of 198.3 miles
    #92 159.7 mi. #92 - ETS
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #92 - ETS
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x2)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x2)
    165.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    28.2 mi. Jefferson City Loop
    28.2 miles (x1)
    156.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #92 - ETS
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x2)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x2)
    138.2 mi. #92 - ETS
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    178.4 mi. #92 - ETS
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x2)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x2)
    273.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    198.3 mi. #92 - ETS
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #22 159.7 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #22 - Illinois
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x1)
    178.4 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x1)
    273.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    122.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Gering to Casper
    122.6 of 198.3 miles
    #17 159.7 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    190.3 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Gering to Casper
    190.3 of 198.3 miles
    #5 159.7 mi. #5 - Florida
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #5 - Florida
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    6.3 mi. #5 - Florida
    Independence to St. Joseph
    6.3 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #5 - Florida
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #5 - Florida
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    196.3 mi. #5 - Florida
    Gering to Casper
    196.3 of 198.3 miles
    #1 159.7 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    45.7 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    45.7 of 165.6 miles
    0 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Jefferson City to Independence
    0 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x1)
    138.2 mi. #1 - Purdue
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    198.3 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #12 159.7 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    46.2 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    46.2 of 217.1 miles
    15 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    15 of 165.6 miles
    31.7 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Jefferson City to Independence
    31.7 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    91.9 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    91.9 of 138.2 miles
    171 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Beatrice to Kearney
    171 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    2.4 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Gering to Casper
    2.4 of 198.3 miles
    #786 150.8 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Nashville to Paducah
    150.8 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0 of 74.8 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    0 of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles
    #26 142.1 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Nashville to Paducah
    142.1 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0 of 74.8 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    0 of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles

    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #2 - Michigan Yes 2095.5 56:36:17 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ 1558.3 561.2 24 37.51 mph
    #92 - ETS Yes 2004.5 59:32:40 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ 1562.3 451.2 9 33.82 mph
    #17 - Illinois State Yes 1504.3 60:23:08 ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ 1554.3 0.0 50 25.87 mph
    #22 - Illinois No 1565.8 60:36:23 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ 1486.6 96.2 17 26.28 mph
    #5 - Florida No 1465.8 60:27:42 ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ 1491.8 0.0 26 24.71 mph
    #1 - Purdue No 1310.6 56:36:36 ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ 1285.8 32.8 8 23.29 mph
    #12 - Texas A&M No 565.7 46:33:37 ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ 592.7 0.0 27 12.79 mph
    #786 - Western Michigan No 146.8 6:37:00 ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ 150.8 0.0 4 22.79 mph
    #26 - British Columbia No 142.1 6:38:00 ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ 142.1 0.0 0 21.42 mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time
  • Single Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #2 159.7 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x3)
    #92 159.7 mi. #92 - ETS
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #92 - ETS
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x2)
    29.2 mi. Edwardsville Loop
    29.2 miles (x2)
    #22 159.7 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    48.8 mi. Paducah Loop
    48.8 miles (x1)
    217.1 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #1 159.7 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #17 159.7 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #5 159.7 mi. #5 - Florida
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #5 - Florida
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #12 159.7 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    46.2 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    46.2 of 217.1 miles
    #786 150.8 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Nashville to Paducah
    150.8 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles
    #26 142.1 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Nashville to Paducah
    142.1 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #2 - Michigan Yes 506.2 15:30:57 376.8 136.4 7 33.07 mph
    #92 - ETS Yes 481.0 15:55:59 376.8 107.2 3 30.37 mph
    #22 - Illinois Yes 420.6 16:04:04 376.8 48.8 5 26.48 mph
    #1 - Purdue Yes 374.8 17:25:59 376.8 0.0 2 21.61 mph
    #17 - Illinois State Yes 370.8 15:33:09 376.8 0.0 6 24.22 mph
    #5 - Florida Yes 370.8 16:35:47 376.8 0.0 6 22.7 mph
    #12 - Texas A&M No 199.9 16:06:00 205.9 0.0 6 12.78 mph
    #786 - Western Michigan No 146.8 6:37:00 150.8 0.0 4 22.79 mph
    #26 - British Columbia No 142.1 6:38:00 142.1 0.0 0 21.42 mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 21 Jul 2024 - 11:17PM Central Daylight Time
  • Single Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #2 165.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    28.2 mi. Jefferson City Loop
    28.2 miles (x1)
    156.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x3)
    #92 165.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    28.2 mi. Jefferson City Loop
    28.2 miles (x1)
    156.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #92 - ETS
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x2)
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x2)
    #22 165.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #17 165.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #5 165.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    6.3 mi. #5 - Florida
    Independence to St. Joseph
    6.3 of 74.8 miles
    #1 45.7 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    45.7 of 165.6 miles
    0 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Jefferson City to Independence
    0 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    32.8 mi. St. Joseph Loop
    32.8 miles (x1)
    #12 15 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    15 of 165.6 miles
    31.7 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Jefferson City to Independence
    31.7 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #786 0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0 of 74.8 miles
    #26 0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0 of 74.8 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #2 - Michigan Yes 512.6 14:06:34 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 126.6 11 37.11 mph
    #92 - ETS Yes 484.8 15:40:07 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 93.8 6 31.32 mph
    #22 - Illinois Yes 395.0 15:04:56 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 0.0 2 26.32 mph
    #17 - Illinois State Yes 361.0 15:47:00 ❌ | ✅ 397.0 0.0 36 25.15 mph
    #5 - Florida No 316.5 17:53:00 ❌ | ❌ 328.5 0.0 12 18.37 mph
    #1 - Purdue No 151.3 9:32:50 ❌ | ❌ 120.5 32.8 2 16.06 mph
    #12 - Texas A&M No 112.5 6:53:37 ❌ | ❌ 121.5 0.0 9 17.63 mph
    #786 - Western Michigan No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0 0.0 0 - mph
    #26 - British Columbia No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0 0.0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 24 Jul 2024 - 11:29PM Central Daylight Time
  • Single Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #2 138.2 mi. #2 - Michigan
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    178.4 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x3)
    273.6 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x6)
    #92 138.2 mi. #92 - ETS
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x3)
    178.4 mi. #92 - ETS
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x2)
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x2)
    273.6 mi. #92 - ETS
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x5)
    #22 138.2 mi. #22 - Illinois
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    25.4 mi. Beatrice Loop
    25.4 miles (x1)
    178.4 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x1)
    273.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #17 138.2 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #1 138.2 mi. #1 - Purdue
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #5 138.2 mi. #5 - Florida
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #5 - Florida
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #5 - Florida
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #12 91.9 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    91.9 of 138.2 miles
    171 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Beatrice to Kearney
    171 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    #786 0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    0 of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    #26 0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    0 of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #2 - Michigan Yes 886.4 21:23:22 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 298.2 2 41.53 mph
    #92 - ETS Yes 840.4 21:47:28 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 250.2 0 38.57 mph
    #22 - Illinois Yes 637.6 22:13:23 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 47.4 0 28.69 mph
    #17 - Illinois State Yes 590.2 21:46:55 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 0.0 0 27.1 mph
    #1 - Purdue Yes 586.2 23:27:00 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 0.0 4 25.17 mph
    #5 - Florida Yes 584.2 20:33:34 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 0.0 6 28.71 mph
    #12 - Texas A&M No 253.9 19:26:00 ❌ | ❌ 262.9 0.0 9 13.53 mph
    #786 - Western Michigan No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0 0.0 0 - mph
    #26 - British Columbia No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0 0.0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 26 Jul 2024 - 10:30PM Central Daylight Time
  • Single Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #1 198.3 mi. #1 - Purdue
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #92 198.3 mi. #92 - ETS
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #5 196.3 mi. #5 - Florida
    Gering to Casper
    196.3 of 198.3 miles
    #2 194.3 mi. #2 - Michigan
    Gering to Casper
    194.3 of 198.3 miles
    #17 190.3 mi. #17 - Illinois State
    Gering to Casper
    190.3 of 198.3 miles
    #22 122.6 mi. #22 - Illinois
    Gering to Casper
    122.6 of 198.3 miles
    #12 2.4 mi. #12 - Texas A&M
    Gering to Casper
    2.4 of 198.3 miles
    #26 mi. #26 - British Columbia
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles
    #786 mi. #786 - Western Michigan
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #1 - Purdue Yes 198.3 6:10:47 N/A 198.3 0.0 0 32.09 mph
    #92 - ETS Yes 198.3 6:09:06 N/A 198.3 0.0 0 32.24 mph
    #5 - Florida Yes 194.3 5:25:21 N/A 196.3 0.0 2 36.57 mph
    #2 - Michigan Yes 190.3 5:35:24 N/A 194.3 0.0 4 35.47 mph
    #17 - Illinois State Yes 182.3 7:16:04 N/A 190.3 0.0 8 27.28 mph
    #22 - Illinois No 112.6 7:14:00 N/A 122.6 0.0 10 18.33 mph
    #12 - Texas A&M No -0.6 4:08:00 N/A 2.4 0.0 3 1.31 mph
    #26 - British Columbia No 0 - N/A 0 0 0 - mph
    #786 - Western Michigan No 0 - N/A 0 0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time

MOV Scores

  • Normalized MOV Score Component Charts

    Scroll right to see all data
    Calculated Values Data Points
    Team Score Practicality Score [P] Completion Factor [C] Speed Derating [T] Total External Energy [E] (kWh) Base Route Completed Miles Driven Person Miles [D] Penalty Miles Avg. Speed (mph) Battery Capacity (kWh) External Charging (kWh)
    #55 - Poly Montreal 73.86 0.87% 99.57% 1 37.930 Yes 1,610.3 3220.6 7 36.2 9.160 28.770
    #828 - App State 25.21 0.73% 96.34% 1 87.319 Yes 1,562.3 3124.6 11 35.39 22.469 64.850
    #9 - Iowa State 25.18 0.67% 91.37% 1 76.510 Yes 1,562.3 3124.6 91 38.9 17.640 58.870
    #4 - MIT 2.01 60.0% 76.15% 0.235 119.436 No 1,297.3 2198.0 71 21.53 14.308 105.128
    #35 - Minnesota 0.00 77.0% 0.65% 0.125 23.328 No 10.4 20.8 0 1.84 23.328 0.000
    Last Updated: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time
  • For stage ranking MOV teams are scored solely on Distance, Completion Factor, and Target Speed. Other factors are not considered

    Normalized MOV Score Component Charts

    Scroll right to see all data
    Calculated Values Data Points
    Team Rank [DxCxT] Completion Factor [C] Speed Derating [T] Total External Energy [E] (kWh) Base Route Completed Miles Driven Person Miles [D] Penalty Miles Avg. Speed (mph) Battery Capacity (kWh) External Charging (kWh)
    #55 - Poly Montreal 365.76 99.73% 0.486 18.320 Yes 376.8 753.6 1 32.64 9.160 9.160
    #9 - Iowa State 357.47 94.69% 0.5 30.470 Yes 376.8 753.6 20 32.87 17.640 12.830
    #828 - App State 356.46 100.00% 0.473 22.469 Yes 376.8 753.6 0 32.4 22.469 0.000
    #4 - MIT 178.39 86.46% 0.273 44.136 Yes 376.8 753.6 51 24.76 14.308 29.828
    #35 - Minnesota 0.07 2.76% 0.125 23.328 No 10.4 20.8 0 1.84 23.328 0.000
    Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 - 09:28PM Central Daylight Time
  • For stage ranking MOV teams are scored solely on Distance, Completion Factor, and Target Speed. Other factors are not considered

    Normalized MOV Score Component Charts

    Scroll right to see all data
    Calculated Values Data Points
    Team Rank [DxCxT] Completion Factor [C] Speed Derating [T] Total External Energy [E] (kWh) Base Route Completed Miles Driven Person Miles [D] Penalty Miles Avg. Speed (mph) Battery Capacity (kWh) External Charging (kWh)
    #9 - Iowa State 434.19 94.21% 0.58 22.380 Yes 397.0 794.0 23 33.83 17.640 4.74
    #828 - App State 360.22 97.23% 0.466 29.400 Yes 397.0 794.0 11 32.28 22.469 6.931
    #55 - Poly Montreal 267.79 98.99% 0.34 2.350 Yes 397.0 794.0 4 28.55 9.160 0
    #4 - MIT 16.84 34.38% 0.164 18.580 No 148.5 297.0 12 11.62 14.308 4.272
    #35 - Minnesota 0 0.00% 0 0.000 No 0.0 0.0 0 - 23.328 0
    Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024 - 10:59PM Central Daylight Time
  • For stage ranking MOV teams are scored solely on Distance, Completion Factor, and Target Speed. Other factors are not considered

    Normalized MOV Score Component Charts

    Scroll right to see all data
    Calculated Values Data Points
    Team Rank [DxCxT] Completion Factor [C] Speed Derating [T] Total External Energy [E] (kWh) Base Route Completed Miles Driven Person Miles [D] Penalty Miles Avg. Speed (mph) Battery Capacity (kWh) External Charging (kWh)
    #55 - Poly Montreal 1272.44 99.69% 1 13.940 Yes 638.2 1276.4 2 44.59 9.160 4.78
    #828 - App State 1091.63 92.48% 1 31.670 Yes 590.2 1180.4 0 40.54 22.469 9.201
    #9 - Iowa State 1036.15 87.78% 1 23.640 Yes 590.2 1180.4 30 47.38 17.640 6
    #4 - MIT 263.63 88.95% 0.258 32.600 No 573.7 1147.4 6 23.57 14.308 18.292
    #35 - Minnesota 0 0.00% 0 0.000 No 0.0 0.0 0 - 23.328 0
    Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024 - 10:51PM Central Daylight Time
  • For stage ranking MOV teams are scored solely on Distance, Completion Factor, and Target Speed. Other factors are not considered

    Normalized MOV Score Component Charts

    Scroll right to see all data
    Calculated Values Data Points
    Team Rank [DxCxT] Completion Factor [C] Speed Derating [T] Total External Energy [E] (kWh) Base Route Completed Miles Driven Person Miles [D] Penalty Miles Avg. Speed (mph) Battery Capacity (kWh) External Charging (kWh)
    #828 - App State 396.6 100.00% 1 3.780 Yes 198.3 396.6 0 35.01 22.469 0
    #55 - Poly Montreal 396.6 100.00% 1 3.320 Yes 198.3 396.6 0 41.97 9.160 0
    #9 - Iowa State 360.58 90.92% 1 0.020 Yes 198.3 396.6 18 43.98 17.640 0
    #4 - MIT 0 98.99% 0.277 24.120 Yes 198.3 0.0 2 25.05 14.308 9.812
    #35 - Minnesota 0 0.00% 0 0.000 No 0.0 0.0 0 - 23.328 0
    Last Updated: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time

MOV Distance Completed

  • Multi Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #55 159.7 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x1)
    273.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x1)
    198.3 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #828 159.7 mi. #828 - App State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #828 - App State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #828 - App State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #828 - App State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #828 - App State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    198.3 mi. #828 - App State
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #9 159.7 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    165.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    180.3 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Gering to Casper
    180.3 of 198.3 miles
    #4 159.7 mi. #4 - MIT
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #4 - MIT
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    127.7 mi. #4 - MIT
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    127.7 of 165.6 miles
    0 mi. #4 - MIT
    Jefferson City to Independence
    0 of 156.6 miles
    20.8 mi. #4 - MIT
    Independence to St. Joseph
    20.8 of 74.8 miles
    138.2 mi. #4 - MIT
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #4 - MIT
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    257.1 mi. #4 - MIT
    Kearney to Gering
    257.1 of 273.6 miles
    196.3 mi. #4 - MIT
    Gering to Casper
    196.3 of 198.3 miles
    #35 10.4 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Nashville to Paducah
    10.4 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0 of 74.8 miles
    mi. #35 - Minnesota
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Kearney to Gering
    0 of 273.6 miles
    mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles

    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #55 - Poly Montreal Yes 1603.3 44:29:14 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 1562.3 48.0 7 36.2 mph
    #828 - App State Yes 1551.3 44:08:59 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 1562.3 0.0 11 35.39 mph
    #9 - Iowa State Yes 1453.3 40:09:43 ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | 1544.3 0.0 91 38.9 mph
    #4 - MIT No 1224.3 60:15:07 ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | 1295.3 0.0 71 21.53 mph
    #35 - Minnesota No 10.4 5:40:00 ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | 10.4 0.0 0 1.84 mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time
  • Multi Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #828 159.7 mi. #828 - App State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #828 - App State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #55 159.7 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #9 159.7 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #4 159.7 mi. #4 - MIT
    Nashville to Paducah
    159.7 of 159.7 miles
    217.1 mi. #4 - MIT
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    217.1 of 217.1 miles
    #35 10.4 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Nashville to Paducah
    10.4 of 159.7 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Paducah to Edwardsville
    0 of 217.1 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #828 - App State Yes 376.8 11:37:43 376.8 0.0 0 32.4 mph
    #55 - Poly Montreal Yes 375.8 11:32:33 376.8 0.0 1 32.64 mph
    #9 - Iowa State Yes 356.8 11:27:50 376.8 0.0 20 32.87 mph
    #4 - MIT Yes 325.8 15:12:58 376.8 0.0 51 24.76 mph
    #35 - Minnesota No 10.4 5:40:00 10.4 0.0 0 1.84 mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 21 Jul 2024 - 11:17PM Central Daylight Time
  • Multi Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #55 165.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #828 165.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #828 - App State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #9 165.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    165.6 of 165.6 miles
    156.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Jefferson City to Independence
    156.6 of 156.6 miles
    74.8 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Independence to St. Joseph
    74.8 of 74.8 miles
    #4 127.7 mi. #4 - MIT
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    127.7 of 165.6 miles
    0 mi. #4 - MIT
    Jefferson City to Independence
    0 of 156.6 miles
    20.8 mi. #4 - MIT
    Independence to St. Joseph
    20.8 of 74.8 miles
    #35 0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Edwardsville to Jefferson City
    0 of 165.6 miles
    mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Jefferson City to Independence
    of 156.6 miles
    0.0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Independence to St. Joseph
    0.0 of 74.8 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #55 - Poly Montreal Yes 393.0 13:54:27 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 0.0 4 28.55 mph
    #828 - App State Yes 386.0 12:17:54 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 0.0 11 32.28 mph
    #9 - Iowa State Yes 374.0 11:44:02 ✅ | ✅ 397.0 0.0 23 33.83 mph
    #4 - MIT No 136.5 12:46:50 ❌ | ✅ 148.5 0.0 12 11.62 mph
    #35 - Minnesota No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0.0 0.0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 26 Jul 2024 - 10:59PM Central Daylight Time
  • Multi Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #55 138.2 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    22 mi. Kearney Loop
    22 miles (x1)
    273.6 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    26 mi. Gering Loop
    26 miles (x1)
    #828 138.2 mi. #828 - App State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #828 - App State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #828 - App State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #9 138.2 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    273.6 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Kearney to Gering
    273.6 of 273.6 miles
    #4 138.2 mi. #4 - MIT
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    138.2 of 138.2 miles
    178.4 mi. #4 - MIT
    Beatrice to Kearney
    178.4 of 178.4 miles
    257.1 mi. #4 - MIT
    Kearney to Gering
    257.1 of 273.6 miles
    #35 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    St. Joseph to Beatrice
    of 138.2 miles
    0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Beatrice to Kearney
    0 of 178.4 miles
    0.0 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Kearney to Gering
    0.0 of 273.6 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #55 - Poly Montreal Yes 636.2 14:18:43 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 48.0 2 44.59 mph
    #828 - App State Yes 590.2 14:33:29 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 0.0 0 40.54 mph
    #9 - Iowa State Yes 560.2 12:27:20 ✅ | ✅ 590.2 0.0 30 47.38 mph
    #4 - MIT No 567.7 24:20:26 ✅ | ❌ 573.7 0.0 6 23.57 mph
    #35 - Minnesota No 0.0 - ❌ | ❌ 0.0 0.0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 26 Jul 2024 - 10:30PM Central Daylight Time
  • Multi Occupant Class (Tap bars for details)
    #828 198.3 mi. #828 - App State
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #55 198.3 mi. #55 - Poly Montreal
    Gering to Casper
    198.3 of 198.3 miles
    #4 196.3 mi. #4 - MIT
    Gering to Casper
    196.3 of 198.3 miles
    #9 180.3 mi. #9 - Iowa State
    Gering to Casper
    180.3 of 198.3 miles
    #35 mi. #35 - Minnesota
    Gering to Casper
    of 198.3 miles


    Scroll right to see all data on small screens
    Team Base Route Completed Official Miles Official Time Checkpoint Base Miles Loop Miles Penalty Miles Avg. MPH
    #828 - App State Yes 198.3 5:39:53 N/A 198.3 0.0 0 35.01 mph
    #55 - Poly Montreal Yes 198.3 4:43:31 N/A 198.3 0.0 0 41.97 mph
    #4 - MIT Yes 194.3 7:54:53 N/A 196.3 0.0 2 25.05 mph
    #9 - Iowa State Yes 162.3 4:30:31 N/A 180.3 0.0 18 43.98 mph
    #35 - Minnesota No 0 - N/A 0 0 0 - mph
    ✅ indicates checkpoint made - ❌ indicates checkpoint missed
    Last Updated at: 27 Jul 2024 - 11:11PM Central Daylight Time